
Wine Journal!

Being so close to Napa and Sonoma, I've really developed a taste for wine. I prefer it to beer by far, which I never thought I'd say. I guess the relationship started when I lived in Texas and my dad would take me to wine tastings occasionally. He'd buy a bottle or two and I'd drink it out of "free"ness, and never thought I'd develop a true appreciation for it.

SO in the 7 years we've been in California, I've been pregnant off and on for most of those years, but the past three years, there have been no buns in this oven - but plenty of wine. The first party we were invited to upon moving to Vacaville was Shaleen's wine party. There, Jason stuck with beer mostly, but I thought I'd put on a little class and at least try a variety of the wine. I immediately LOVED it. Well, some of it.

And so the story goes with dinner parties and gatherings... I'd try a little something out of my price range now and then. Try some that I otherwise would have written off as goofy. But over and over, I'd forget what I liked and what I would be happy to never have to choke down again. I'd stick with my two favorites most of the time - Bogle (old vine is my fav) and Mondavi. For Chardonnay, it was ALWAYS Kendall Jackson.

Recently, I've decided to branch out again, and rather than waste money over and over on the same junk, I've started to keep a detailed journal. I don't just record the name, but the year and vintage. For example, Rodney Strong Sonoma Valley is a much different flavor than the Alexander Valley. This way, I know what's worth buying again and what I've tried and it didn't make the cut. When my favorites are reduced in price, I can stock up -- much better than stocking up on something you despise!

Next step? Remember to bring the journal when I go shopping!

1 comment:

  1. and when your dad would break out the wine...i'd always ask if he had any beers...and he would always make sure to have a few beers in the fridge for me....i told him i tried red wine with my parents and hated it. i insisted i would never like red wine.

    and here i sit with grey teeth and purple lips.


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