
Kids are so dumb it's cute

As if Christmas time isn't jam packed with enough things, Wyatt recently learned that December 6th is St. Nicholas Day. Never heard of it. Apparently you leave a shoe out with straw, hay, and hair inside. While you are sleeping, St. Nicholas comes in and removes these treasures and replaces them with cookies and candy.
When did I learn about St. Nicholas day? December 6th at 8pm. "Oh wait! Mom, do you have some straw and hay? And can we cut a little bit of your hair?" he asks. "WHAAAAT? No, lay down." 
"But it's St. Nicholas day! I forgot. I have to leave hay and hair in my shoe so I can get cookies and candy."
"Of course you do. Where did you hear about this?" I ask. Duh. School. "Ok, I'll take care of it, goodnight."
"Use my Nikes they smell less awful." Not really.
Jason's in Denver and I have neither cookies nor candy. Nor straw nor hay. Ice cream sandwiches from Schwann's? Garage freezer. SCORE! A whole box of the Schwanns chocolate chip cookies. Done. It's a  Christmas miracle and everyone wakes up happy. 

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