
PSYCHOpath test

To some degree, I'm sure we are all mad, but I'm not entirely certain that to some degree, we are all sane. I was (probably) one of the very few who enjoyed The Men Who Stare at Goats, and was equally intrigued with The Psychopath Test. Who doesn't love to read about psychotic criminals and what fuels their actions? And how do you spot a fake from a legit? There's a neat and tidy checklist to determine if one is or is not a psychopath. Who knew?

Ronson (via interviews of actual professionals on the subject) visits the past and present research and treatment options for sociopaths and psychopaths. You read, are appalled, do some research on google, see that the institutions, patients, doctors really do exist, rinse, and repeat. The interactions with the scientologists piqued my interest, but I really don't care to explore that any further than taking it for comic relief. Jump to your own conclusions if you will, but when he introduces the idea that most of the major blood-sucking corporations are run by psychopaths, I tend to disagree slightly. I'm just not sure there is anyone qualified to pronounce "sanity."

I'm intentionally being as namby-pamby as Ronson because this was just a gateway book to madness. What's next? Political Ponerology of course! For a good criminal psycho movie, watch Tom Hardy as Charlie Bronson in Bronson. WOW is it good.

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