
Blindside movie review : via some old lady at the cracker barrel in arizona

 we are making our way across the country from northern california to san antonio, tx and have come across quite a few neat places and odd characters. we're not quite "home" yet, but i think this lady at the cracker barrel in casa grande, arizona takes the cake for most memorable conversation overheard. it goes a little something like this:

old bag: i don't think my tv set is working because i just watched that movie The Blindside and it was in black and white. that movie's in color, isn't it?

old man: don't know. never heard of it.

old bag: sure you have. it's the one with sandy duncan. you know, the picture about michael orr who plays for the rams.

old man: never heard of him, never seen the picture.

old bag: sure you have. michael orr is that big colored fella. he plays for the rams now. in the movie sandy duncan's character adopts him... i'm sure you've heard of it. i just want to know if it was in color because i watched it in black and white.

YEP. that was the conversation. see if you can guess how MANY things are wrong here.

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