

gray and i slept in his little adjustable bed last night (jason was on the pull out chair) in the pediatric oncology wing of Sutter hospital. most of the kids here are being treated with chemo and the kindergardener sharing gray's room has been in this room for three weeks.

i can't imagine what these parents are feeling - going through this every day and night. it was so inconvenient being here just one night (the smells, the thick air, the tiny space you have to occupy, the food, the little sink you have to brush your teeth in, the pee you have to catch in a jug, the hourly temperature-taking, etc). i realize i have NOTHING to complain about because most of the kids here have been living this way daily. the sad part is that there was a shortage of beds when we got here, meaning all the beds in this area were occupied with kids battling cancer.

this morning, gray woke up at 6am, like usual, and was a total ball of fire, like usual. they took his labs at 6:30 and hopefully we'll hear good news and be able to go home. he headed to the play room with his "wolverine" hand, so i think he's feeling just fine.

my heart goes out to all of the families here who will not be going home today or any time soon. i was crazy concerned about gray yesterday and couldn't even organize my thoughts (and probably still can't). i'm not sure this makes sense, but, man... no one should have to go through cancer. surely not kids.

interesting side note: jason and i are supposed to be catching a flight at 5pm to san antonio to look for a place to live! ha! we'll just have to see. probably not in the cards.

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