

why are some days so good and other days:

grayson pees in the car for no reason

the fridge/freezer goes out COMPLETELY

jake goes in to the doctor for a rash and comes out with 2 prescriptions and asthma

all the blueberries fall out of the 5 lb. container

you forget not to use the creamer (because the fridge went out) and end up with yucky coffe

you can't find your ipod

you find your ipod and it's dead

you're with friends, look down and have a huge hole in your pants

15 people ask you if you're sick or just tired

you realize that what's been clogging the toilet is your favorite bra that your 3 yr old was teaching to swim

you go to pull out your wallet to put $$ on your kid's lunch card and your wallet isn't there

you get lost in berkley and end up going the wrong way on a one way street

did i leave anything out?

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