
fiction family

Last night, my good friend Courtney and I saw Fiction Family (a collaboration of Jon Foreman of Swithfoot and Sean Watkins of Nickel Creek) at the Independent in San Francisco. We started the night out at herbivore and my food was WAY better than hers - therefore, we shared :)

I was a little surprised Courtney even ate because she was SO fired up about seeing her hero Jon Foreman - the girl’s hand were literally shaking at several points. Just about every song started with Cote saying, “this is my other favorite...”

The songs were great, the presence was brilliant, Sara Watkins was a royal treat, and talking with SeanJon afterward was over the top. The funniest part of the night might have been the cover of Weezer’s Pink Triangle. Or possibly, Jon Foreman pretending to be Celine Dion on Courtney’s phone.

Thanks, for the great night friend!

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