

soooo.... grayson has a ton of bruises from head to toe. i thought it was just (boys being boys) battle scars from wrestling. he acts completely fine and no one would have guessed that anything was wrong with him. maybe out of paranoia that people thought i was beating him, i decided to take him in to the doctor today to make sure everything was on the up and up.

after some blood work, the doc determined that his platelet count was dangerously low (15K when 150K is the norm) and had us go immediately to the hospital in SAC. he is there overnight getting IVIG -- platelets through IV -- and they will retest his blood tomorrow. hopefully he will be able to come home in the morning!

we're pretty sure we've ruled out anything more serious, such as leukemia, and we will have to continue to check his blood for the next 3-6 months.

THANK YOU all who called, texted, brought food, offered to bring food, came to the hospital, prayed for us, facebooked, offered to watch jake and wyatt... etc. you are all amazing and i am thankful to have you in our lives.

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