

There have been some concerns lately about the H1N1 spreading through the schools. I totally get it. No one wants a sick kid, and we should not take lightly the case of the sweet 1st grader who passed away.

I am guilty of pulling Jake from school today. I didn't really do it because there were a few kids in his class who had confirmed cases. I didn't really do it because I didn't want to deal with a sick kid. I didn't really do it because it would be an imposition to keep him away from his brothers for 5 days.

I took him out because I missed him. I thought about how precious life is and how precious he is and I missed him. I thought, "What a great excuse to get my Jake ALL TO MYSELF for a little while," because that just doesn't happen very often any more. And to heck with school for a few hours. We played battleship, legos, and did a few puzzles before it was time to pick Wyatt and G up from school.

Shame on me, right? Somehow, I feel like it was the right thing for us that day.

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