
8 Simple Rules of Redbox etiquette

Yes, anyone with a credit card can use Redbox. But for those of us in the civilized world, there is an etiquette to follow that I'm quite sure some folk are not aware of. For that reason only, I am posting some rules. Feel free to pass them along.

1. Have some idea of what a movie is. Don't read every single description like you've never heard these "motion picture" things. Yes, they're fascinating.

2. Don't sit on the phone with your 6 year old reading every story line, asking if they think it's a good choice.  Just pick something for them. In fact, kids should never come 10 ft. from a station unless the planet is in danger.

3. If a line forms behind you, just roll the dice. If you're a girl, go for something with Amy Adams or Zooey Deschanel. If a boy, Jason Statham. It's a buck, so don't act like it's the last movie you'll ever see.

4. If there's some one waiting with a movie in hand, ask if they're just there for a return. If so, let them. Then you can precede to read the synopsis of Inglorious Bastards.

5. NEVER ask the person behind you if they want you to return their movie for them. How uncomfortable is that.

6. Reserve online if possible.

7. Don't make out in front of the Redbox when you're a teenager and suddenly discover how "in-sync" you are with your fellow teenager. Gross.

8. Don't complain about the lack of diverse content. It's freakin Redbox and it's brilliant. Get Netflix to supplement like the rest of us.