
10 reasons i love my pawpaw

 my grandparents came to visit this weekend (along with my dad and brother) and my grandpa makes me laugh so hard. here are 10 reasons i just love the heck outta him:

1. jake put some silly bands on his wrist and he acted like they were the best gift he ever received. he could tell you exactly what each shape was and was super proud to wear them. he's still wearing them now.
2. he calls all the boys "geronimo"
3. he calls the dogs "geronimo"
4.  he drank his first margarita with a quickness and then just kinda kept sucking on the straw like, "hey, i'm empty here." finished the second before i finished my first!
5. he calls merlot, "muuur-low" with major emphasis on the "muuuur."
6. he told me to "punch my dad in the kidney for him" when my dad was being a smart ass.
7. he has the same running shoes as jason and says he "wears them to the mailbox"
8.  he said the waiter was looking for a "swift knife to the throat" when he put the salsa in front of my dad instead of him.
9. he thought the tooth fairy gypped wyatt with the $2 bill she left, so he put $12 more under his pillow!
10. he adores me!



i know maltese are supposed to have long, beautiful white hair, but it just didn't seem to fit ben. plus, he kept rolling around in the grass getting shi-poo nuggets stuck in, so, i shaved him. hey, it's hot right now. plus, he looks like his girlfriend zoey now! here are the before and afters!


oh wyatt

i had already gotten into my jammies when i realized we had to return a movie to redbox.  jake said, "mom, we'll put the movie in, you don't even have to get out of the car!" so, i lazily decided to stay in my jammies. you think you know the ending to this. but you don't.

so we arrive, and the boys hop out. there is a man renting a video, so they have to wait. it's taking a while and i see that wyatt says something to the man. he smiles and then full out laughs. he says something to them as he's leaving and smiles again. i thought i knew what wyatt said, but i guess i didn't.

so the boys get back into the car and i ask what they said to the man at the station. wyatt apparently asked the man, "is the machine out of WAX or something?" i laughed so hard i was crying. i'll admit i was still a little emotional from seeing the movie Adam (a very cute movie), but he repeated it about 3 times. "mom, it's like the machine wouldn't give him his movie. it was just out of WAX!"

i've already decided that wyatt's first band will need a name some day and i'll save the day by recommending that they call themselves "out of wax."


Things my kids said today

Wyatt: Mom, my nails are all dry because I know a trick. I whistle on them. (Yes, we had manicures and pedicures today. Our colors? Black, green, cammo, and blue. Wyatt wanted black and blue in honor of the miike snow song)

Me: Jake, maybe you should be a magazine model so you can pay for college.
Jake: Maybe. But I don't want to wear dresses.

Grayson: Mom, stop kissing me for like 50 minutes. I want to play without you putting slobber all over me.

Wyatt: Any time you want to go somewhere, it shouldn't be because you want the toy they have there. It should be because you like the food there.

At piano lessons, their teacher has a 6 month old. She has an open floor plan and has a high chair, play pen, bouncy chair, swing, and play mat in the big room. Sooo...
Jake: Whoa, this lady must have a ton of babies!

Grayson: Mom, when Zoey poops, where is her toilet paster? (toilet paper)

Wyatt: When we go to Austin tomorrow, will we still be in Texas or Boston? Is it near Boston?

Wyatt: I think I saw dad's car. Nope, it was a squirrel.